Travel Health

Do you need vaccinations?
All travellers should ensure they seek travel health advice from a travel clinic well in advance of their trip and consult the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) website for up to date information on current outbreaks and country information.
There are a number of private providers in the local area who can provide this service to you. As this service requires specialised and up-to-date training, we recommend these external services to meet your travel health needs.
Select the region you are travelling to find out more.
It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible - at least 6 weeks before you travel - you may require a further appointment to actually receive the vaccinations.
Some travel vaccines are available on the NHS but others are not.
GP’s can give the following on the NHS:
- Diptheria
- Hepatitis A
- Polio
- Tetanus
- Typhoid
GP’s cannot give the following vaccines on the NHS:
- Hepatitis B
- Malaria
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Meningoccoccal
- Rabies
- Tick Borne Encephalitis
- Yellow Fever
Malaria Medication Malaria Medication is not available on the NHS.
During your risk assessment the Travel Clinic will discuss the type/s of Malaria Medication recommended for the area/s you are travelling to and answer any questions, which will assist you in making your decision.
Malaria Medication is taken before travel, whilst in the risk area and for a period of time after travel – the length of time before and after is dependent upon the type of Malaria Medication you choose to take.

Further Travel Information
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card